Adafruit Industries Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10

View this email in your browser.

  1. Download Windows CP210X Drivers This will save a zip file called (or similar). Unzip this onto the desktop and within the folder run the installer called CP210xVCPInstallerx64.exe.
  2. Windows 7 Drivers Verifying Serial Port in Device Manager Running bossac on the command line Using bossac Versions 1.7.0, 1.8 Using bossac Versions 1.9 or Later Updating the bootloader Getting Rid of Windows Pop-ups Making your own UF2 Installing the bootloader on a fresh/bricked board Downloads Files Schematic & Fabrication Print Troubleshooting.

Adafruit CircuitPython BusDevice. The I2CDevice and SPIDevice helper classes make managing transaction state on a bus easy. For example, they manage locking the bus to prevent other concurrent access. For SPI devices, it manages the chip select and protocol changes such as mode. Windows Driver Installation. Before you plug in your board, you'll need to possibly install a driver! Click below to download our Driver Installer. Download Adafruit Windows Driver Installer. Download and run the installer. Run the installer! Since we bundle the SiLabs and FTDI drivers as well, you'll need to click through the license.

Hi everyone! Here’s the latest Python for Microcontrollers newsletter, brought you by the community! We’re on Discord, Twitter, and for past newsletters – view them all here. If you’re reading this on the web, subscribe here. Time to dive in!

ESP32-S2 Hack Chat with Adafruit

Announced in September 2019, the ESP32-S2 is finally making it into hobbyist’s hands. With WiFi, a much faster CPU, scads of GPIO, ADCs, a RISC-V co-processor, native USB, and the promise of very low current draw, the ESP32-S2 may prove to be popular with hobbyists as it becomes established.

To talk through the new chip’s potential, Limor “Ladyada” Fried and Scott Shawcroft, both of Adafruit Industries, will join on the Hack Chat. Learn everything you need to know about the ESP32-S2, and how to put it to work for you.

Tune in on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at noon US Pacific Time –

CircuitPython Version 5.3.0 Stable is Available

CircuitPython 5.3.0 Stable is the latest minor revision of CircuitPython. This release adds support for 3 new boards, adds the RGBMatrix driver for RGB LED matrices, and more.

New features and improvements since 5.2.0

  • Add support for RGB Matrix display
  • Add a fill method to displayio.Bitmap
  • Make the colors used by the stage library compatible with those used in the displayio library
  • Multiple improvements to the STM32 port
  • Improvements to the litex port
  • Improvements to ulab
  • Use “checkout@v2” in the CircuitPython build process
  • Fix the maximum keycode in keyboard HID descriptor
  • Fix bad submodule patk
  • Add the NFC Copy Cat board
  • Use Sphinx 3 to build the documentation

3 New boards since 5.2.0

  • nfc_copy_cat
  • nucleo_f767zi
  • nucleo_h743zi_2

See the release page for additional information – GitHub and the Adafruit Blog.

An MQTT-based CircuitPython Library for Azure IoT

As a Hackathon exploration, Microsoft adapted an IoT Central Python library to create an MQTT-based CircuitPython library for Azure IoT. CircuitPython, Adafruit’s version of Python for embedded development, is easy to use and significantly lowers the barrier of entry for building cool IoT solutions. This library has been tested with the PyPortal device (which has a broad set of capabilities, including a TFT touchscreen display) and a PyBadge. Both of these devices are able to connect via an ESP32 serving as a WiFi co-processor – Microsoft Tech Community Blog.

Microsoft asks interested parties to check it out and provide feedback – GitHub.

If you’re interested in seeing more of CircuitPython or MicroPython in Azure IoT, let them know by filling out a quick form.

This project follows work by Brent Rubell at Adafruit in creating the Adafruit_CircuitPython_AzureIoT library – GitHub.

The Adafruit Internet of Things Monthly Newsletter

The May issue of the Adafruit Internet of Things Monthly Newsletter is out with a great number of CircuitPython-related topics. You can catch the ICYMI version – Adafruit Blog.

With over 1,400 subscribers, this monthly newsletter keeps you informed on IoT. Subscribe spam free – Adafruit Daily.

Adafruit Update

Adafruit Industries continues to run with 100% of employees being paid and continuing to work. Most are working remotely, with some working in the Manhattan, New York factory as an essential service and business under NYC Executive Order 202.6 Capabilities. Adafruit was deemed an essential service to distribute/make some PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as face shields, and manufacturer electronics for essential life-saving/preserving equipment and development which is needed in New York and beyond – Blog.

Some weekly highlights:

  • OSHdata interviews Limor Fried of Adafruit.
  • Laser Cutting a Face Shield (as seen through a thermal camera)

400+ Textbooks made free for download

MIT CSAIL posts that “Springer just made 400+ textbooks free to download, including CS books on Python, deep learning, data science & AI.”

Great timing! If you are looking for some programming books in general and Python programming information specifically, this is great! – Twitter and Springer.

Adafruit industries port devices driver download for windows 10 windows 7

Adafruit hardware being certified Open Source

Adafruit has always been an open source hardware company, predating the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) certification process. They have begun submitting all of their hardware to OSHWA for certification as Open Source. This week 161 new boards were certified including:

News from around the web!

The Evo M51 Module is a Feather-sized board featuring both a Microchip SAMD51 microcontroller and a MAX 10 FPGA. The board is designed to support CircuitPython and is also programmable with the Arduino IDE – Alorium Technology and YouTube.

The Melbourne MicroPython Meetup presents their March-April News Roundup, discussing the latest MicroPython news. This issue has a shout out to Adafruit and Scott Shawcroft on CircuitPython: “Especially loving the inspiring way that you folks are running the business in such a difficult time. Stay safe and keep up the amazing work!” – Twitter and

A follow-up to last week and the PlasticLogic ePaper displays. They have two new video demonstrations featuring display updates via Bluetooth. First with text and GFX graphics, second with bitmap files. Check out the repo for their code and details – GitHub.

The Fluff M0 is the simplest, least expensive board in the Feather form factor with a Microchip SAMD21 processor – and Twitter.

The Lego SPIKE Prime controller runs MicroPython inside. This makes for some interesting projects like a Star Wars X-Wing Robot – Twitter, Blog, YouTube and general information on SPIKE and MicroPython via Instructables.

Using an Adafruit CLUE and a Kitronik Ziphalohd as a temperature monitor – Twitter.

Build a simple USB HID Macropad using Seeeduino Xiao and CircuitPython – Make Andy Make.

Controlling a USB powered disco light from Bluetooth – Twitter.

Building a work-from-home “On Air” light with Circuit Playground Express – GitHub.

Adafruit Industries Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10

Program Lattice MachX02/3 FPGAs with CircuitPython. It works over I2C or SPI, no JTAG required – GitHub and Twitter.

An I2C OLED display working with CircuitPython and the Robo HAT MM1 automation controller – Twitter.

Python’s migration to GitHub: A Request for Project Manager Resumes – Python Blog.

Should all strings become f-strings? – Python Blog.

Microsoft Windows 10, May 2019 Update, installs a Python command to redirect users to download a version from the Windows Store: good, yes? It is reported that this puts the redirect ahead of any actual CPython installed on the machine , not desirable. The simple fix is to turn off the application alias using the “Manage app execution aliases” in settings – Microsoft, Twitter Issue and Twitter Fix.

COVID-19: Face Mask Detector with Python, OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow, and Deep Learning – PyImageSearch.

Open Source Spatial Analysis Tools for Python: a quick guide – makepath.

Chris put in a FOIA request to the United States NSA for their Python training materials and got back a 400-page printout of their COMP 3321 training course – PDF. Some takeaways from it – Post.

PyDev of the Week – Samuel Hinton on Mouse vs Python

CircuitPython Weekly Meeting for May 4th, 2020 on YouTube and on

#ICYDNCI What was the most popular, most clicked link, in last week’s newsletter? Harvard Online Learning Catalog.

New Boards Supported by CircuitPython

The number of supported microcontrollers and Single Board Computers (SBC) grows every week. This section outlines which boards have been included in CircuitPython or added to

This week we had another new board added:

Looking for adding a new board to CircuitPython? It’s highly encouraged! Adafruit has four guides to help you do so:

New Learn Guides!

PyPortal Quarantine Clock from Brent Rubell

CircuitPython CLUE I Ching Caster from Carter Nelson

Pulse Oximeter Wireless Data Logger from John Park

UTi165 Thermal Fever Scanner Camera from Ladyada

Updated Guides – Now With More Python!

You can use CircuitPython libraries on Raspberry Pi! We’re updating all of our CircuitPython guides to show how to wire up sensors to your Raspberry Pi, and load the necessary CircuitPython libraries to get going using them with Python. We’ll be including the updates here so you can easily keep track of which sensors are ready to go. Check it out!

Keep checking back for more updated guides!

CircuitPython Libraries!

Adafruit industries port devices driver download for windows 10 32-bit

CircuitPython support for hardware continues to grow. We are adding support for new sensors and breakouts all the time, as well as improving on the drivers we already have. As we add more libraries and update current ones, you can keep up with all the changes right here!

Adafruit Industries Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 Xp

For the latest drivers, download the Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle.

If you’d like to contribute, CircuitPython libraries are a great place to start. Have an idea for a new driver? File an issue on CircuitPython! Interested in helping with current libraries? Check out the Contributing page. We’ve included open pull requests and issues from the libraries, and details about repo-level issues that need to be addressed. We have a guide on contributing to CircuitPython with Git and Github if you need help getting started. You can also find us in the #circuitpython channel on the Adafruit Discord. Feel free to contact Kattni (@kattni) with any questions.

You can check out this list of all the CircuitPython libraries and drivers available.

The current number of CircuitPython libraries is 227!

New Libraries!

Here’s this week’s new CircuitPython libraries:

Adafruit industries port devices driver download for windows 10 32-bit

Updated Libraries!

Here’s this week’s updated CircuitPython libraries:

PyPI Download Stats!

We’ve written a special library called Adafruit Blinka that makes it possible to use CircuitPython Libraries on Raspberry Pi and other compatible single-board computers. Adafruit Blinka and all the CircuitPython libraries have been deployed to PyPI for super simple installation on Linux! Here are the top 10 CircuitPython libraries downloaded from PyPI in the last week, including the total downloads for those libraries:

Keep an eye out here for more download stats coming soon!

What’s the team up to this week?

What is the team up to this week? Let’s check in!


The highlight of this week has been working on a project to add the joy of clacky keyboards to the Trellis family! I’m working on a board that has the same 60x60mm dimensions and tessellated I2C pads as the Trellis, NeoTrellis and NeoTrellis M4. This one will be different from the other members of the Trellis because I’ve replaced the elastomer buttons with mechanical keyboard switches!

Instead of the 4×4 grid of squishy elastomer buttons you’ll get a 3×3 array of sockets that fit standard Cherry MX switches. There is a huge range of different switches available from “Bryan, mute your mic” levels of clickyness to buttery soft, silent as a ninja “linear” switches. And since the switches are mounted in sockets instead of soldered in, you can change them out at your whim.

There are still a few things to figure out about the design, but I’m hopeful this will pan out and perhaps be just the start 😉


I released the BLE pulse oximeter library, now that the Learn Guide for that project is published.

I’ve been going in circles a bit on some core changes for BLE PacketBuffer, to make sure it works with the new Adafruit services. I should be done with that soon.

I’ve tried a BLE-capable body-weight scale and a blood pressure monitor. Unfortunately neither use the standard services defined by the Bluetooth organization, so there will be some reverse engineering.


For the past week, I’ve been working on adding RGBMatrix support to the Feather STM32F407. This is the first time the initial work of porting to a new microcontroller has fallen to me instead of Phil B., and the first real work I’ve done on an STM microcontroller, so it has been a learning experience.

For fun, I eagerly printed the new slim enclosure for Adafruit CLUE and used it for a little project with displayio: A die roller for the FATE role playing system. In FATE, you use 4 special dice (labeled +, – and blank) together with your character’s inherent skill to determine an outcome. It was a fun chance to learn a little more about how the accelerometer and proximity sensor work, because you can either shake the CLUE or touch the sensor above the screen to roll the dice.


This week, I’ve been going through all the open GitHub issues across all of the CircuitPython libraries. While there are many longstanding issues that need to remain open, there are many that can be addressed in some way. I’ve been pinging original authors to get status updates, closing completed issues, and putting in PRs to resolve some of the quick ones. Expect to see activity across many of the libraries over the next couple of weeks.

As well, I added a new capability to the Circuit Playground library. You can now check which board you have connected: Express or Bluefruit. There are two options. First is the option to check which board is connected and return that piece of information. Second is the option to specify which board to look for and use that to execute code based on which board is connected, e.g. if a Circuit Playground Bluefruit is connected, run the following code. This came out of the sound meter example failing to work on Circuit Playground Bluefruit. There are some features that are not supported by Circuit Playground Express, so it allows for writing sound related code that works on both Express and Bluefruit.


This past week has mostly been carryover from the previous week, with new bugfixes and documentation changes. I’ve written a new ReadMe for the STM32 port, which should make it easier for newcomers to understand the port’s structure and start getting builds loaded with the new make flash command. I’ve also been doing miscellaneous work on bugfixes, reviews, and a lot of reading about the i.MX RT.

In my personal time, I risked a drive into Boston to retrieve some gear for board testing and a new CircuitPython project. While I was there, I got to see the PPE manufacturing setup running at the Makerspace where I normally work full time, Artisan’s Asylum. They’re taking safety very seriously and still churning out seriously impressive quantities of equipment. It was great to see that everyone is safe and to hear updates from them – from an approved distance of 6ft, of course.


This past week I worked on adding the Rock Pi S to Blinka. This included adding some more tools such as a SysFS Pin wrapper so that there are more options to add new boards to Blinka. Additionally, I added Pulse Width Modulation support and Analog Input support to the Rock Pi S, which is the first time I had added those features.

Next up, I will be focusing on improving I2C support of the Raspberry Pi, including adding support for unusual configurations, as well as working on adding I2C to the external bitbangio CircuitPython library.


At the end of last week, I worked more on the ESP32-S2 port. I got CircuitPython to the point of linking the files together and, with the help of folks from my stream, generating lots of linking errors (Previously we had many compiler errors). The end of this week, I’ll continue working on the port by fixing the linker issues.

The start of this week was spent on the lower_power PR. There was a weird USB issue on SAMD21 that only came up with certain USB host computers. I got it reproduced here and then Thach also reproduced it and then fixed it. So, it should be ready to merge. :fingers_crossed:

I’ve also been helping Dylan convert the inline native module docs from RST to Python stubs. That way we’ll be able to provide stubs to editors like VS Code that can use it to help with completions.

dunkmann00 has also been working to get PixelBuf launched so that folks have faster NeoPixels. There are a few administrative things to do, like releasing the libraries and then updating the frozen version, but that shouldn’t be too hard.

Lastly, I chatted yesterday with Helen Leigh about CircuitPython for her upcoming Make magazine article. I look forward to reading it.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me this week!

Upcoming events!

Adafruit Industries Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit

PyCon 2020 Online has launched! Head over to to access new content weekly. Pythonistas come together every year to learn, network and discuss great ideas in person at PyCon. That can’t happen this year, but everyone can get together virtually! – Announcement.

You can subscribe to the PyCon 2020 Online mailing list to receive updates as they are published online. Check out talks, tutorials, Charlas, & Startup Row along with the Virtual Expo Hall.

Items of note this week:

  • How to build an intelligent “indoor garden” with microcontrollers, CircuitPython, and IoT – YouTube.
  • 9 Years of PyLadies: Lessons Learned and What Comes Next – YouTube.

The USA Science & Engineering Festival is to offer their popular X-STEM conference in a virtual format! X-STEM All Access is an engaging, entertaining, educational, and interactive online STEM experience for kids. Through a series of daily livestream events, students will hear from an exclusive group of visionaries who aim to empower and inspire kids about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

X-STEM All Access presentations will be geared toward a middle and high school level audience (grades 6 to 12), but kids and adults of all ages are welcome to join. Educators are encouraged to include X-STEM All Access into their distance learning curriculum.

There will be daily presentations on May 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19th, 2020 from 1-2 pm US EDT.

There is no cost to attend. Register on their website –

EuroPython 2020 this year will be an online conference from July 23-26. They are planning the following structure:

  • 2 conference days with keynotes, talks, lightning talks, poster session (Thursday and Friday)
  • 2 sprint days with multiple sprint teams (Saturday and Sunday)

Attending the conference days will require a ticket, participating in the sprint days will be free – EuroPython.

PyCon AU has announced they are holding PyConline AU, an online event, in August 2020 –

Adafruit Industries Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 Windows 7

PyCon India 2020: the premier conference in India on using and developing the Python programming language. Held online October 3-5, 2020. A call for proposals is now open through August 14, 2020 – Website and Twitter.

Send Your Events In

As for other events, with the COVID pandemic, most in-person events are postponed or cancelled. If you know of virtual events, please let us know on Discord or on Twitter with hashtag #CircuitPython.

Latest releases

CircuitPython’s stable release is 5.3.0. New to CircuitPython? Start with our Welcome to CircuitPython Guide.

20200502 is the latest CircuitPython library bundle.

v1.12 is the latest MicroPython release. Documentation for it is here.

3.8.2 is the latest Python release. The latest pre-release version is 3.9.0a6.

1,683 Stars Like CircuitPython? Star it on GitHub!

Call for help – CircuitPython messaging to other languages!

We recently posted on the Adafruit blog about bringing CircuitPython messaging to other languages, one of the exciting features of CircuitPython 4 and later versions is translated control and error messages. Native language messages will help non-native English speakers understand what is happening in CircuitPython even though the Python keywords and APIs will still be in English. If you would like to help, please post to the main issue on GitHub and join us on Discord.

We made this graphic with translated text, we could use your help with that to make sure we got the text right, please check out the text in the image – if there is anything we did not get correct, please let us know. Dan sent me this handy site too. – Find a dream job, find great candidates! has returned and folks are posting their skills (including CircuitPython) and companies are looking for talented makers to join their companies – from Digi-Key, to Hackaday, Microcenter, Raspberry Pi and more.

18,515 thanks!

The Adafruit Discord community, where we do all our CircuitPython development in the open, reached over 18,515 humans, thank you! Join today!

ICYMI – In case you missed it

The wonderful world of Python on hardware! This is our first video-newsletter-podcast that we’ve started! The news comes from the Python community, Discord, Adafruit communities and more. It’s part of the weekly newsletter, then we have a segment on ASK an ENGINEER and this is the video slice from that! The complete Python on Hardware weekly videocast playlist is here.

This video podcast is on iTunes, YouTube, IGTV (Instagram TV), and XML.

Weekly community chat on Adafruit Discord server CircuitPython channel – Audio / Podcast edition – Audio from the Discord chat space for CircuitPython, meetings are usually Mondays at 2pm ET, this is the audio version on iTunes, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and XML feed.

And lastly, we are working up a one-spot destination for all things podcast-able here –

Codecademy “Learn Hardware Programming with CircuitPython”

Codecademy, an online interactive learning platform used by more than 45 million people, has teamed up with the leading manufacturer in STEAM electronics, Adafruit Industries, to create a coding course, “Learn Hardware Programming with CircuitPython”. The course is now available in the Codecademy catalog.

Python is a highly versatile, easy to learn programming language that a wide range of people, from visual effects artists in Hollywood to mission control at NASA, use to quickly solve problems. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to accomplish amazing things with it. This new course introduces programmers to Python by way of a microcontroller — CircuitPython — which is a Python-based programming language optimized for use on hardware.

CircuitPython’s hardware-ready design makes it easier than ever to program a variety of single-board computers, and this course gets you from no experience to working prototype faster than ever before. Codecademy’s interactive learning environment, combined with Adafruit’s highly rated Circuit Playground Express, present aspiring hardware hackers with a never-before-seen opportunity to learn hardware programming seamlessly online.

Whether for those who are new to programming, or for those who want to expand their skill set to include physical computing, this course will have students getting familiar with Python and creating incredible projects along the way. By the end, students will have built their own bike lights, drum machine, and even a moisture detector that can tell when it’s time to water a plant.

Visit Codecademy to access the Learn Hardware Programming with CircuitPython course and Adafruit to purchase a Circuit Playground Express.

Codecademy has helped more than 45 million people around the world upgrade their careers with technology skills. The company’s online interactive learning platform is widely recognized for providing an accessible, flexible, and engaging experience for beginners and experienced programmers alike. Codecademy has raised a total of $43 million from investors including Union Square Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Index Ventures, Thrive Capital, Naspers, Yuri Milner and Richard Branson, most recently raising its $30 million Series C in July 2016.


The CircuitPython Weekly Newsletter is a CircuitPython community-run newsletter emailed every Tuesday. The complete archives are here. It highlights the latest CircuitPython related news from around the web including Python and MicroPython developments. To contribute, edit next week’s draft on GitHub and submit a pull request with the changes. Join our Discord or post to the forum for any further questions.

Adafruit Industries
New york city


Adafruit 10DOFLibrary for the Adafruit 10DOF Breakout.
Adafruit 9DOFLibrary for the Adafruit 9DOF Breakout.
Adafruit ADS1X15Arduino library for ADS1015/1115 ADCs.
Adafruit ADT7410 LibraryArduino library for the ADT7410 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ADXL343Unified driver for the ADXL343 Accelerometer
Adafruit ADXL345Unified driver for the ADXL345 Accelerometer
Adafruit AHRSAHRS (Altitude and Heading Reference System) for various Adafruit motion sensors
Adafruit AHT10Arduino library for the AHT10 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AHTX0Arduino library for the AHT10 and AHT20 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AM radio libraryArduino library for AM radio on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit AM2315Library code for AM2315 sensors
Adafruit AM2320 sensor libraryArduino library for AM2320 I2C Temp & Humidity Sensors
Adafruit AMG88xx LibraryArduino library for AMG88xx 8x8 Thermocouple Sensors.
Adafruit APDS9960 LibraryThis is a library for the Adafruit APDS9960 gesture/proximity/color/light sensor.
Adafruit Arcada GifDecoderThis is a library to display animated GIFs on Adafruit Arcada boards
Adafruit Arcada LibraryThis is a library to abstract away arcade/gameplay display, sounds and controls.
Adafruit AS726XAdafruit Channel Visible Light / Color Sensor Breakout
Adafruit AS7341Arduino library for the AS7341 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AVRProgArduino library for programming AVR chips from Arduino
Adafruit AW9523Arduino library for the AW9523 GPIO expanders in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BD3491FSArduino library for the BD3491FS Sound Processor in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BLEFirmataModified Firmata code to work with Adafruit's nRF8001 Breakout and BlueFruit modules
Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51Arduino library for nRF51822-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
Adafruit BME280 LibraryArduino library for BME280 sensors.
Adafruit BME680 LibraryArduino library for BME680 sensors.
Adafruit BMP085 LibraryA powerful but easy to use BMP085/BMP180 Library
Adafruit BMP085 UnifiedUnified sensor driver for Adafruit's BMP085 & BMP180 breakouts
Adafruit BMP183 LibraryNon-Unified BMP library
Adafruit BMP183 Unified LibraryArduino library for the BMP183 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BMP280 LibraryArduino library for BMP280 sensors.
Adafruit BMP3XX LibraryArduino library for BMP3XX series temperature/pressure sensors
Adafruit BNO055Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor.
Adafruit BNO08xArduino library for the BNO08x sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BNO08x RVCArduino library for the BNO08x_RVC sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BusIOThis is a library for abstracting away UART, I2C and SPI interfacing
Adafruit CAP1188 LibraryArduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
Adafruit CC3000 LibraryLibrary code for Adafruit's CC3000 WiFi breakouts.
Adafruit CCS811 LibraryThis is a library for the Adafruit CCS811 I2C gas sensor breakout.
Adafruit Circuit PlaygroundAll in one library to control Adafruit's Circuit Playground board.
Adafruit composite video LibraryArduino library for composite video on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit DAP libraryArduino library for DAP programming on ARM cortex microcontroller
Adafruit DMA neopixel libraryArduino library for NeoPixel DMA on SAMD21 and SAMD51 microcontrollers
Adafruit DotStarAdafruit DotStar LED Library
Adafruit DotStarMatrixAdafruit_GFX-compatible library for DotStar grids
Adafruit DPS310Library for the Adafruit DPS310 barometric pressure sensor.
Adafruit DRV2605 LibraryArduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout
Adafruit DS1841Arduino library for the DS1841 breakouts in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit DS3502Arduino library for the DS3502 I2C Potentiometer in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit EMC2101Arduino library for the EMC2101 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit EPDePaper display driver
Adafruit ESP8266Example code for ESP8266 chipset
Adafruit Feather OLEDHelper class to work with 128x32 OLED displays on Adafruit Feathers
Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor LibraryArduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Flora Pixel LibraryArduino Library for Adafruit Flora Pixels
Adafruit FONA LibraryArduino library for the Adafruit FONA
Adafruit FRAM I2CDriver for Adafruit's I2C-Based EEPROM / FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit FRAM SPIDriver for Adafruit's SPI-Based FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit FreeTouch LibraryArduino library for QTouch on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit FT6206 LibraryArduino library for FT6206-based Capacitive touch screen
Adafruit FXAS21002CUnified sensor driver for the FXAS210002C Gyroscope
Adafruit FXOS8700Unified sensor driver for the FXOS8700 Accelerometer/Magnetometer
Adafruit GFX LibraryAdafruit GFX graphics core library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from.
Adafruit GPS LibraryAn interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use
Adafruit Graphic VFD Display LibraryAdafruit's 128x64 Graphic VFD Display Library
Adafruit HDC1000 LibraryArduino library for HDC1000 and HDC1008 sensors.
Adafruit HMC5883 UnifiedAdafruit HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer Breakout library using Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library.
Adafruit HTS221Arduino library for the HTS221 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HTU21DF LibraryArduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HTU31D LibraryArduino library for the HTU31D sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HX8357 LibraryAdafruit HX8357 3.5' display library.
Adafruit ICM20XArduino library for the ICM20X Family sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ICM20649Arduino library for the ICM20649 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ILI9341Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays
Adafruit ImageReader LibraryCompanion library for Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_EPD to load images from SD card.
Adafruit INA219INA219 Current Sensor
Adafruit INA260 LibraryArduino library for the INA260 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit IO ArduinoArduino library to access Adafruit IO.
Adafruit IS31FL3731 LibraryArduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3731 Charlieplex LED driver and CharliePlex FeatherWing.
Adafruit KeypadDiode-multiplexed keypad support for Arduino
Adafruit L3GD20 UUnified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope
Adafruit LC709203FArduino library for the LC709203F battery monitors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LED Backpack LibraryAdafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks
Adafruit LiquidCrystalFork of LiquidCrystal HD44780-compatible LCD driver library, now with support for ATtiny85.
Adafruit LIS2MDLUnified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LIS2MDL Breakout
Adafruit LIS3DHLibrary for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer.
Adafruit LIS3MDLLibrary for the Adafruit LIS3MDL magnetometer.
Adafruit LIS331Library for the Adafruit LIS331 Accelerometer family.
Adafruit LittlevGL Glue LibrarySimplifies use of LittlevGL library with Adafruit displays.
Adafruit LPS2XArduino library for the LPS22 & LPS25 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LPS35HWArduino library for the LPS35HW sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LSM303 AccelUnified Accelerometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout
Adafruit LSM303AGR MagUnified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303AGR Breakout
Adafruit LSM303DLH MagUnified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout
Adafruit LSM303DLHCUnified sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout (Accelerometer + Magnetometer)
Adafruit LSM6DSArduino library for the LSM6DS sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LSM9DS0 LibraryArduino library for LSM9DS0 9-DOF sensor board.
Adafruit LSM9DS1 LibraryArduino library for LSM9DS1 9-DOF sensor board.
Adafruit LTR390 LibraryArduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MAX31855 libraryLibrary for the Adafruit Thermocouple breakout with MAX31855K
Adafruit MAX31856 libraryLibrary for the Adafruit Thermocouple Amplifier breakout with MAX31856
Adafruit MAX31865 libraryLibrary for the Adafruit RTD Amplifier breakout with MAX31865
Adafruit MCP23008 libraryArduino Library for the MCP23008 (and '9) I2C I/O expander
Adafruit MCP23017 Arduino LibraryLibrary for the MCP23017 I2C Port Expander
Adafruit MCP3008MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit ADC
Adafruit MCP4725MCP4725 12-bit I2C DAC
Adafruit MCP4728Arduino library for the MCP4728 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MCP9600 LibraryArduino library for the MCP9600 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MCP9808 LibraryArduino library for the MCP9808 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MFRC630 RFIDArduino library for I2C and SPI access to the MFRC630 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Adafruit microbit LibraryArduino library for using micro:bit nRF51
Adafruit MiniMLX90614A simplified MLX90614 library for use with the Trinket/Gemma
Adafruit MLX90393Driver for the MLX90393 magenetic field sensor
Adafruit MLX90395Driver for the MLX90395 magenetic field sensor
Adafruit MLX90614 LibraryArduino library for the MLX90614 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MLX90640Arduino library for the MLX90640 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MMA8451 LibraryArduino library for the MMA8451 Accelerometer sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Motor Shield libraryAdafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega
Adafruit Motor Shield V2 LibraryLibrary for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. It supports DC motors & stepper motors with microstepping as well as stacking-support.
Adafruit MP3mp3 decoder
Adafruit MPL115A2Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout
Adafruit MPL3115A2 LibraryArduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MPR121Arduino library for the MPR121-based capacitive sensors in the Adafruit shop.
Adafruit MPRLS LibraryArduino library for MPRLS series pressure sensors
Adafruit MPU6050Arduino library for the MPU6050 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MQTT LibraryMQTT library that supports the FONA, ESP8266, Yun, and generic Arduino Client hardware.
Adafruit MS8607Arduino library for MS8607 sensors.
Adafruit MSA301Library for the Adafruit MSA301 Accelerometer.
Adafruit nRFCryptoArduino Cryptography library using hardware-accelerated ARM CryptoCell CC310 on nRF52-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
Adafruit nRF8001Drivers for Adafruit's nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Breakout
Adafruit NAU7802 LibraryArduino library for the NAU7802 ADC converter in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit NeoMatrixAdafruit_GFX-compatible library for NeoPixel grids
Adafruit NeoMatrix ZeroDMA libraryArduino library for DMA control of NeoMatrix on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit NeoPixelArduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
Adafruit NeoPXL8Arduino library for controlling 8 NeoPixel LED strips using DMA on ATSAMD21, ATSAMD51
Adafruit NeoTrellis M4 LibraryExamples and code for the NeoTrellis M4
Adafruit OV7670A library for the OV7670 camera.
Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD libraryArduino driver for PC8544, most commonly found in small Nokia 5110's
Adafruit PCF8591Arduino library for Adafruit PCF8591 combo ADC + DAC
Adafruit PCT2075Arduino library for the PCT2075 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit PixelDustArduino library for particle simulation
Adafruit PixieArduino library for controlling Serial-based ultra-bright LED pixels and strip.
Adafruit PM25 AQI SensorThis is an Arduino library for the Adafruit PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit PN532Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Adafruit ProtomatterA library for Adafruit RGB LED matrices.
Adafruit PS2 TrackpadPS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads
Adafruit PWM Servo Driver LibraryAdafruit PWM Servo Driver Library
Adafruit RA8875Adafruit's Arduino driver for the RA8875 TFT driver
Adafruit RGB LCD Shield LibraryLibrary for the Adafruit RGB 16x2 LCD Shield.
Adafruit SCD30Arduino library for the SCD30 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit seesaw LibraryThis is a library for the Adafruit seesaw helper IC.
Adafruit Sensor CalibrationCalibration helper for various Arduino compatibles
Adafruit Sensor LabArduino library for scientific sensor readings/fusions/manipulations
Adafruit SGP30 SensorThis is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP30 Gas / Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit SGP40 SensorThis is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP40 Gas / Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit SH110XSH110X oled driver library for monochrome displays
Adafruit SHARP Memory DisplayThis is an Arduino library for the Adafruit Monochrome SHARP Memory Displays
Adafruit SHT31 LibraryArduino library for SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SHT4x LibraryArduino library for SHT4x temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SHTC3 LibraryArduino library for SHTC3 temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SI1145 LibraryArduino library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Si4713 LibraryArduino library for the Si4714 FM+RDS Transmitter in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Si5351 LibraryDriver for Adafruit's Si5351 Clockgen Breakout
Adafruit Si7021 LibraryArduino library for Si7021 sensors.
Adafruit SleepyDog LibraryArduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
Adafruit SoftServoA lightweight software servo library, designed for Trinket/Gemma but good for other Arduino-compats
Adafruit Soundboard libraryArduino Library for UART control of the Adafruit Soundboard
Adafruit SPIFlashSPI Flash filesystem support for FAT and CircuitPython FS support from within Arduino
Adafruit SSD1305SSD1305 library for Monochrome OLEDs based on SSD1305 drivers
Adafruit SSD1306SSD1306 oled driver library for monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 displays
Adafruit SSD1325SSD1325 monochrome OLED library
Adafruit SSD1327SSD1327 library for grayscale OLEDs based on SSD1327 drivers
Adafruit SSD1331 OLED Driver Library for ArduinoFor 0.96' OLEDs in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit SSD1351 libraryAdafruit library for the 1.27' and 1.5' color OLEDs in the shop
Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 LibraryThis is a library for the Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 SPI displays.
Adafruit STMPE610Arduino library for STMPE610/811 resistive touch screen controllers
Adafruit TCS34725Driver for Adafruit's TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor Breakout
Adafruit TensorFlow LiteThis is a library to abstract away TensorFlow Lite for Adafruit/Arcada boards
Adafruit TFTLCD LibraryAdafruit 2.8' TFT display Library
Adafruit Thermal Printer LibraryArduino Library for Small Thermal Printers
Adafruit TiCoServoUse NeoPixels and servos in the same Arduino sketch (with caveats)
Adafruit TinyFlashBarebones Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino and Trinket
Adafruit TinyRGBLCDShieldAdafruit_RGBLCDShield library ported to Trinket/Gemma
Adafruit TinyUSB LibraryTinyUSB library for Arduino
Adafruit TLA202xArduino library for the TLA202x sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TLC5947Adafruit's Arduino driver for the TLC5947 PWM LED Driver Breakout.
Adafruit TLC59711Library for our Adafruit 12-channel PWM/LED driver.
Adafruit TMP006This is a library for the Adafruit TMP006 Infrared Thermopile Sensor
Adafruit TMP007 LibraryArduino library for Adafruit TMP007 Thermopile sensor Breakout
Adafruit TMP117Arduino library for the TMP117 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TouchScreenAdafruit TouchScreen display library.
Adafruit TPA2016 LibraryArduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016(D2) I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier
Adafruit Trellis LibraryArduino library for controlling Adafruit Trellis
Adafruit TSL2561Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's TSL2561 breakouts
Adafruit TSL2591 LibraryLibrary for the TSL2591 digital luminosity (light) sensors.
Adafruit Unified SensorRequired for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries.
Adafruit UNTZtrumentAdafruit UNTZtrument
Adafruit VC0706 Serial Camera LibraryLibrary for VC0706-based Serial JPEG Cameras
Adafruit VCNL4040Arduino library for the VCNL4040 Breakouts in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit VEML6070 LibraryArduino library for VEML6070
Adafruit VEML6075 LibraryArduino library for VEML6075
Adafruit VEML7700 LibraryArduino library for the VEML7700 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit VS1053 LibraryThis is a library for the Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout and Music Maker Shields
Adafruit WavePlayer LibraryHelper library for wrangling Wave files
Adafruit WS2801 LibraryArduino library for controlling strips/pixels using WS2801 driver chips
Adafruit Zero DMA LibraryDMA helper/wrapped for ATSAMD21 such as Arduino Zero & Feather M0
Adafruit Zero FFT LibraryFFT library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor).
Adafruit Zero I2S LibraryI2S audio playback library for the Arduino Zero / Adafruit M0 (SAMD21 processor) and M4 (SAMD51) boards
Adafruit Zero PDM LibraryPDM Microphone Input library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor).
Adafruit ZeroTimer LibraryArduino library for SAMD21/SAMD51 timer control
Adafruit_VCNL4010Sensor driver for VCNL4010 IR proximity sensor
Adafruit_VL53L0XSensor driver for VL53L0X Time of Flight sensor
Adafruit_VL6180XSensor driver for VL6180X Time of Flight sensor
Audio - Adafruit ForkAdafruit SAMD51 port of Teensy Audio Library - Flexible, High Quality Audio Processing
CAN Adafruit ForkAn Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus.
CC3000 MDNSSimple multicast DNS name resolution library for Adafruit's CC3000 and Arduino.
DHT sensor libraryArduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
Ethernet2Enables network connection (local and Internet) using W5500 based Ethernet shields.
FifteenStepA general purpose Arduino MIDI sequencer library.
HL1606 LED StripCode to control HL1606-based LED strips
HL1606 LED Strip PWMAll the joy of HL1606 LED strips but with 9 or 12 bit color control!
HT1632Arduino library code for HT1632(C) matrix panel driver chips, and the panels we have in the Adafruit shop
LPD6803 RGB PixelsControlling library for strands of LPD6803 LED pixel dots.
LPD8806Arduino library for LED strips and pixels using LPD8806 (and probably LPD8803/LPD8809)
MAX31850 DallasTempA version of the DallasTemp Arduino library with MAX31850 support (Requires OneWire with MAX31850 support!)
MAX31850 OneWireA version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support
MAX6675 libraryArduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier
Pro Trinket USB Keyboard LibraryAn arduino library to turn a Pro Trinket 5V/16MHz into a USB Keyboard!
Pro Trinket USB MouseLibrary for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse!
RGB matrix PanelArduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
RTClibA fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
SdFat - Adafruit ForkFAT16/FAT32 file system for SD cards and QSPI Flash.
SPI VFDArduino Library for 20T202DA2JA SPI VFD
TinyDHT sensor libraryArduino library for Using DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors with the ATtiny85 such as Adafruit Trinket and Arduino Gemma
TinyLiquidCrystalA simplified library for the Adafruit I2C/SPI backpack, for use with Gemma & Trinket
TinyLoRaTiny LoRa Library for TTN
TinyRTCLibA tiny version of RTCLib, for use with TinyWireM
TinyWireMI2C library for Trinket and Gemma, adapted from BroHogan's code on Arduino Playground
TinyXMLFork of Adam Rudd's (adamvr) TinyXML library.
WaveHCWaveHC wave shield library